A Project with a heart towards “drEEms coming true”, inspiration, working hard as a team, and generosity-fueled fun! And YOU are invited to join and add YOUR dreem to our GLOBAL family!
Have you heard of the Little Red Hen?
The Little Red Hen is an American fable first collected by Mary Mapes Dodge in St. Nicholas Magazine in 1874. The story is meant to teach children the importance of hard work and personal initiative.
The story also shows the importance of tenacity in the face of adversity, teamwork, loyalty, and the great blessing of enjoying the rewards for a “job well done”!
Infusing those concepts along with some drEEM-building gave birth to LITTLE BLUE TIGER, an initiative focused on setting a goal, involving like-minded people, and planning daily steps to achieving that goal in a designated timeline.
I could tell you all about MY dreem, and you’re of course welcome to check it out here. But I’d rather use this space to get you started on YOUR dreem and invite you to start sharing your journey!
How to begin:
- Spend time prioritizing your passions.
- Choose one to build your first dreem. (Just one for now, but we hope there will be more!)
- Set a goal, set a date, and set your mind on a plan to accomplish your dreem.
- Work backwards: Now that you have your end date set, work backwards from there. Chart your course well and evaluate your progress daily, weekly, and monthly to ensure that you’re staying on target.
- Be prepared to adjust expectations as you embark on your journey. You are bound to experience setbacks. Continue to evaluate and adjust.
- As long as the dreem is still wise to pursue, don’t stop! Baby steps are fine, just keep moving forward.
- Find like-minded individuals to be on your tEEm. (see what I did there?) Accountability is huge! Support is so needed!
- Begin tracking your journey NOW. It begins NOW.
- Ready to share? We all love being a part of something bigger than ourselves. It motivates, encourages, and inspires! Write, tweet, gram, post, vlog… however you like! Just share! Feel free to use #dreemflare and #littlebluetiger on your share! We’d love to have it catch our eye!
PREPARE FOR THE NAYSAYERS AND THE NEGATIVITY. This might be the most important step of all. It breaks my heart to tell you they will come out of the woodwork, and the most hateful ones will come from where you least expect it. Don’t let that scare you – just let it prepare you.
My best advice to you is this:
- Don’t let their attacks dissuade you from your goal.
- Don’t spend your energy fighting the attacks. Let your energy be used on achieving your goals. Their goal is to stop you. Stay on track and let your success speak on your behalf.
- Remind yourself why you started. Remind yourself daily.
- Focus on the joy and realize that no matter how others act, you have the power to control your reaction.
In the beginning, people will probably not notice you very much. Then, they might begin mocking your attempts to achieve your dreems. Attacks may follow, and they may be many. When you’re tempted to give up, and you will be tempted more often than you can expect, get a little boost from this!
A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.
Mahatma Gandhi
We’ve begun our mission. Are you ready to begin yours?